Topping-cement hardener for concrete floors

Cement shake hardener | Industrial floor installation

Durable industrial floors

Wear-resistant floors concrete floors

Dry shake toppings

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Hardener concrete floor installation is one of the most requested services in industrial flooring.

Topping - cement shake hardener for concrete floors. Dry shake hardeners floors and Wet shake hardeners concrete floors.

Why do customers like hardener cement floors? 

  • Because, industrial hardener floors have the lowest price among other types of flooring.

  •  Hardeners floors have: high strength and wear resistance, dust-free, waterproof and easy to clean.

  • When servicing industrial floors, it is possible to repair concrete floors very quickly and economically.

 Топпинг-цементный упрочнитель бетонных полов

 polished topping

What is hardener concrete flooring?

Topping is a dry mix that consists of different types of cements, fillers, admixtures and chemical additives. Usually, the packing of the hardener is 25 kg.

Topping price in Ukraine varies from 6 to 40 UAH per kg.

Topping consumption: 3-12 kg/m2, depending on the dry concrete floor hardener you choose.

Also, do not forget that in combination with a hardener for the floor, a membrane-forming varnish is required.

Liquid acrylic lacquer is applied to the worn topping, thereby preventing the rapid loss of moisture from the concrete floor. 

Concrete topping floor, matures smoothly. 

This makes it possible to reduce the appearance of microcracks.

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Industrial flooring with store topping

Where are topping floors used?

The scope of flooring with cement hardener is very diverse.

Ranging from industrial and commercial floors where medium to high traffic is present, to residential and private projects where foot traffic is present.

Industries for Concrete Floor Hardener Applications

  • Warehouse and logistics complexes.

  • Agriculture and farming.

  • Parking, car park, park.

  • Office buildings.

  • Exhibition centers.

  • Trade areas.

  • Automotive industry.

  • Aviation hangars.

  • Car service, etc.

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Light gray shopping center topping

The main advantages of topping

  • Environmental friendliness.

  • Impact resistance.

  • Wear resistance.

  • Low price.

  • Maintainability.

  • Durability.

  • Doesn't dust.

  • Convenient to clean and clean.

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Dry topping for industrial floors

The main disadvantages of topping

  • Weak resistance to aggressive environment (acids, alkali).

  • Limited in color range and uniformity of floor color after maturation.

  • Typically used indoors only.

  • Topping floors require skilled contractors and specialized equipment.

  • Curing: 7-14 days.

Изображение - 2465

What topping to choose when installing industrial floors?

To get a topped concrete floor, at the design stage, you need to decide which dry floor hardening powder you will use.

Toppings for floors are dry and wet. 

This is how they used to call these systems, because of the method of application when installing armored floors.

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Light gray commercial floor hardener 

Topping method

Dry shake toppings | Dry topping (shake hardener) or "Dry on wet" Dry to Wet

  • The dry mixture is laid on fresh concrete and rubbed with trowels.

  • Consumption: 3-5 kg/m2.

Wet topping or "Wet on wet" Wet to Wet

  • Dry cement mixture is mixed with water and spread over fresh concrete.

  • Consumption: 8-12 kg/m2.

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Wet topping for commercial floors

What is the difference between dry and wet shake hardener?

The wet method of laying the topping has several advantages over the dry method.

Benefits of Wet Topping, wet to wet

  • Higher strength, uniform coating, durability and wear resistance: coating thickness 5-7 mm.

  • The ability to use the system both inside and outside the premises (on the street).

Disadvantages of the wet-on-wet system

The cost of the system is higher than that of the dry method, due to the higher price per 1 kg and increased material consumption.

Another factor in how toppings are distinguished and chosen for finishing flooring is by filler.

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Wet floor topping

Types of filler for cement shake hardeners

  • Quartz.

  • Corundum.

  • Metal-corundum.

  • Metal.

Quartz filler

A dry mix on a quartz filler is a mix that mainly consists of sand, correct granulometry, cement and chemical additives.

Изображение - 2464

Benefits of topping on quartz

  • Low price.

  • Apply at low and medium loads.

Disadvantages of quartz shake cement hardener

  • The mixture has a slight hardness, thereby making it difficult to grout.

  • Higher percentage of microcracks during shrinkage and maturation of concrete floors.

  • Low strength compared to other types of topping.

  • Less wear resistant coating than other types of hardeners.

  • Qualified contractors required.

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Warehouse quartz shake hardener

Corundum filler

Corundum or sintered oxide, topping filler.

Topping on corundum, consists of a certain amount of filler, cements, chemical additives.

Benefits of a corundum shake hardener floor system

  • Convenient in work, when grouting topping.

  • High wear resistance and strength.

  • The average price of the system, relative to other types of topping.

Disadvantages of the corundum system

Requires highly skilled workers during installation.

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Corundum topping for warehouse

Metal-corundum filler

A mixture of corundum and metal filler, in the correct proportion, as well as cements and chemical additives.

Benefits of metal-corundum shake hardener

The ability to work under high and intense loads, in extreme conditions.

Disadvantages of metal-corundum shake hardener

  • During the operation of industrial floors, in wet conditions, the metal filler may corrode.

  • The high cost of the system.

  • Experienced professionals are required for the implementation of the project.

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Topping for industrial floors

Metal filler

Topping on a metal filler is a dry cement mixture with the addition of metal and chemical additives.

The advantage of topping on metal

Used for the heaviest loads.

Disadvantages of topping on metal

  • Corrosion of metal in a concrete slab during wet processes.

  • The high cost of the system.

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Topping after grouting

According to the terms of reference for the project, the most effective flooring system for the industrial floor is selected.

You can order topping and all accessories for floors in our company FLOORTOP.

The price for work when installing concrete floors with topping is calculated individually.

The FLOORTOP company provides services for the installation of shake hardener floors in Kharkov, Kyiv, Dnipro, Odessa, as well as in other cities of Ukraine.