Quick concrete road repair

Concrete repair on the street

Fast concrete repair in winter

Quick repair of concrete roads

How to repair a concrete road in winter?

Industrial concrete floor repair

Warehouse concrete floor repair


Every year, the number of concrete roads increases.

Asphalt pavement was replaced by an alternative - road concrete.

Like asphalt, concrete has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

"One of the disadvantages of concrete roads is the destruction of the top layer of concrete"

This happens for various reasons:

  • temperature and dynamic loads;

  • low level of wear resistance, water resistance, frost resistance and chemical resistance;

  • all this leads to the destruction of the upper layer of the concrete road.

 Быстрый ремонт бетонного основания

Worn concrete base

  • The surface of a concrete road turns into an uneven, rough state, which causes a lot of inconvenience to car owners.
  • Reduces the level of road safety, leads to malfunctions of vehicles, creates traffic jams.

Быстрый ремонт бетонного основания 

Concrete floor repair

 Quick repair of a concrete road or site in winter

In conditions of high, heavy traffic on the roads, it is required to quickly restore the damaged surface of the concrete base.

For quick repair of concrete, at any time of the year, BASF has created an innovative, self-leveling, cement-based repair compound.

Meet MasterEmaco T 1200 PG



  • Non-shrinking, fast-hardening, dry mix of Emako, pourable type, containing polymer fibers.

  • Designed for: structural, horizontal repair of concrete and reinforced concrete, in a short time.

  • Can be used at temperatures up to -10ºС.


MasterEmaco T 1200 PG is a ready-to-use material in the form of a dry concrete mixture.

  • When mixed with water, it forms a non-shrinking, non-separating compound with high adhesion to steel and concrete, even in aggressive environments.

  • Thanks to its properties, MasterEmaco T 1200 PG makes it possible to carry out work on the restoration of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, by pouring, to a thickness of 10 to 100 mm (and more, in the case of adding coarse aggregate), when the most important requirement is the speed of curing (in including at low temperatures).

  • MasterEmaco T 1200 PG is recommended for use at ambient temperatures from - 10°С to + 30°С.

  • Depending on the ambient temperature, it is planned to produce master emako summer formulations for use in the temperature range from +17ºС to 30ºС and winter formulations (W) for use in the temperature range from -10ºС to +17ºС.

Recommended use for repairing a concrete base 

MasterEmaco T 1200 PG is recommended for use in the following cases.

  • Emako repair mixture is used for repairing concrete pavements of roads, airfields, parking areas and bridges. 

  • For the repair of hydraulic structures and structures of water transport. 

  • For underwater concreting, as well as for repair work in variable water levels. 

  • For the repair of reinforced (including prestressed) structures - beams, supports, bridge slabs, etc. 

  • For the repair of heavily reinforced surfaces where manual and machine application is not possible. 

  • For monolithic joints of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures (concrete supports, slabs, etc.). 

  • For the repair (restoration) of concrete exposed to aggressive environments containing chloride and sulfate ions, including for protection against sea water. 

  • For monolithic metal structures. 

  • For fixing metal elements in a concrete base.


 Quick repair of concrete sites, roads, outdoor warehouse, during the cold season

Concrete surface preparation

 Removal of damaged concrete

The edges of the defective area should be contoured with a diamond tool perpendicular to the repaired surface to a depth of at least 10 mm.

 Быстрый ремонт бетонного основания

Degraded concrete must be removed using a light hammer drill, needle gun or sandblaster.

 Быстрый ремонт бетонного основания

  • The surface of the base, before laying the repair mixture for Emako concrete, must have a roughness of at least 5 mm.

  • This operation is important to ensure good adhesion of MasterEmaco T 1200 PG to the repaired surface.

Rebar cleaning

  • It is necessary to clean the fittings from rust. 

  • If the repaired structure is operated in environments aggressive to concrete and steel, it is recommended to treat the reinforcement with MasterEmaco P 5000 AP material (at positive temperatures).

Attention: MasterEmaco P 5000 AP should not be used at negative temperatures.

Installation of anchors

In the case of low strength concrete, on which the repair material is applied, it is necessary to provide for the installation of anchors.

The installation of anchors must be carried out in accordance with the technological regulations for fixing steel anchors in concrete and masonry, with MasterEmaco and MasterSeal 590 quick-hardening compounds (at temperatures not lower than +5°C).

Impregnation of the base with water before applying the repair mortar Emako

Attention: carrying out work at a temperature of 0 ° C and above.

  • Before laying MasterEmaco T 1200 PG, thoroughly impregnate the surface to be repaired with water.

  • Excess water should be removed with compressed air or a rag.

  • The surface before pouring MasterEmaco T 1200 PG must be damp, but not wet.

  • When working with Emako microconcrete, at negative temperatures, the base is not moistened.

  • For better adhesion of the Emaco mixture to the surface, it is recommended to apply an adhesive composition (a thin layer of MasterEmaco T 1200 PG ).

  • To remove snow and ice, to warm up the base, it is necessary to treat the repaired area with a burner.

  • Warming up the base (carrying out work at temperatures from 0°C to -10°C).


  • The formwork must be made of strong material, be airtight and securely fastened in order to contain the pressure of the repair compound after pouring. 

  • The formwork must have a special air outlet located at the top if it is a vertical structural member (such as the side of a support) or only on one side if it is a horizontal structural member (beam bottom surface). 

  • Before pouring, the formwork must be saturated with water so that it does not take water from the repair composition, dehydrating it, or have a moisture-proof surface. 

  • It is necessary to seal the formwork to prevent leakage of the repair compound. 

  • To do this, MasterEmaco T 1200 PG itself, thick consistency, or other suitable materials, such as MasterSeal 590, can be used. 

  • Do not seal the formwork with various fabric-based materials as they may be difficult to remove. 

  • At negative ambient temperatures, it is necessary to cover the formwork with heat-insulating material from the outside to prevent heat loss with Emako repair mortar.


Preparation of dry repair mix Emako for concrete repair

Before mixing MasterEmaco T 1200 PG with water, you must:

  • make sure that all the necessary materials (mixer, carts, buckets, trowels, etc.) are at hand;

  • check that the amount of material available will be sufficient;

  • check the implementation of the preliminary work prescribed in the section "Instructions for repair work";

  • knead only such an amount of Emako dry repair compound that you can use within 15 minutes.

For the correct preparation of the Emako repair mixture, follow the instructions below:

  • open the bags with MasterEmaco T 1200 PG dry mix necessary for work shortly before mixing;

  • add water at the rate of 3.6 liters of water per 30 kg bag of MasterEmaco T 1200 PG (W/T = 0.12);

  • at an ambient temperature above +30 C, it is necessary to use cold water for mixing. This will extend the pot life of the concrete mix;

  • at an ambient temperature below +5 C, it is necessary to use hot water for mixing (from +30 to +45 C);

  • dry repair mortar Emako, when mixing, must have a temperature not lower than + 5 ° C; 

  • this will accelerate the exothermic reaction of the repair composition;

  • turn on the mixer, quickly and continuously add MasterEmaco T 1200 PG;

  • After all the MasterEmaco T 1200 PG dry mix has been poured in, mixing should be continued for at least 4 minutes.

  • ready-to-use liquid repair mix for concretemust be fluid, without lumps;

  • to knead a small amount of MasterEmaco T 1200 PG, you can use a low-speed drill (no more than 300-400 rpm) with a spiral nozzle;

  • kneading by hand is not allowed;

  • if it is necessary to create a layer with a thickness of more than 100 mm, washed gravel (crushed stone) should be added in an amount of up to 30% by weight of the dry mixture;

  • if there are special requirements, you should seek advice from specialists.

Laying of self-leveling repair mortar for concrete

  • The prepared MasterEmaco T 1200 PG repair mortar should be poured continuously, without vibrations.

  • Filling must be carried out on one side to prevent air entrapment. 

  • It is advisable to bayonet the laid Emako repair mixture. 

  • The surface of the Emako repair material laid on a horizontal surface can be leveled with a trowel.

Substrate care after concrete repair

  • Repaired areas must be kept in conditions that exclude water evaporation for 24 hours. 

  • To create such conditions, membraine-forming materials are used or the repaired concrete surface is subjected to moisture treatment. 

  • If there is no possibility of moistening with water, varnishes and membrane formers are used to seal the pores. A microfilm is formed, which prevents the rapid loss of moisture in the repaired area.

  • At negative temperatures, the repaired area must be covered with heat-insulating material or rags to prevent heat loss during exotherm, as well as to avoid cracking.

Precautionary measures

  • Emako dry mix contains cement that causes irritation.

  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. 

  • In case of contact, rinse the affected areas thoroughly with water and consult a doctor, providing information about the properties of the material.

The result after the repair of the concrete base

  • At a temperature of -5 degrees, after 24 hours, the new coating gains strength of 20 MPa. 

  • In the warm season, curing occurs faster. For example, at + 20 degrees, compressive strength after 4 hours, 35 MPa. 

  • This technology of repair and restoration of the upper layer of concrete makes it possible, overnight, to repair a section of the road, and in the morning to resume traffic. 

"Repair concrete roads quickly and efficiently" 

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