Polyurethane coating 

Polyurethane floors

Application of polyurethane coatings

What is polyurethane flooring?


Polyurethane flooring installation

Polyurethane floors  are a complex of materials that create durable, wear-resistant, chemical-resistant, elastic polymer floors for industrial premises. 

The system of polyurethane floors is based on: a concrete slab (concrete base) and a two-component polyurethane polymer, and sometimes a four-component resin (polyurethane coating).

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Polyurethane coating application

Consider a standard two-component polyurethane coating, in the system polyurethane floors.

Polyurethane coating is a two-component resin, usually free of solvents.

Polyurethane coating - has a certain elasticity to compensate for minor deformations of the base, but, at the same time, is able to withstand significant production intensive loads.

Polyurethane Coating - designed for use in industrial, commercial, residential and decorative flooring systems, as the top layer of a polyurethane flooring system, over a concrete base.

Polyurethane resins - have low viscosity and spread well.

Complies with EN 1504, EN 13813.

Scope of polyurethane floors

Polyurethane floors are used for rooms with a moderate and significant level of stress, for example:

  • Polyurethane polymer floors for food production;

  • Polyurethane polymer floors for production, warehouses, laboratories;

  • Polymeric floors for pharmaceutical enterprises;

  • Industrial floor installation at a car wash.

  • Polyurethane self-leveling polymer floors for commercial premises (shops, supermarkets);

  • Polyurethane floors for aircraft hangars;

  • Polyurethane polymer floors for exhibition complexes;

  • Elastic polyurethane polymer floors for parking;

  • Polyurethane polymer floors for the garage;

  • Polyurethane polymer floors for a warehouse;

  • Urethane polymer fields for car service;

  • Urethane polymer floors for an apartment;

  • Urethane polymer floors for medical institutions;

  • Urethane polymer floors for residential premises.

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Polyurethane floors for food production

 Main technical characteristics of polyurethane floors

Coating appearance

Glossy painted (according to RAL table) surface.

Under the influence of UV and chemicals, discoloration may occur


Average: 1- 1.5 kg/cm3

Viscosity, medium

2200 mPa*s

Shore hardness, medium

(7 days), 70

Compressive strength, medium

50-55 N/mm2

Flexural strength, medium

32 N/mm2

Elongation at break (DIN 51504), medium


Base temperature


Maximum air humidity


Paving time (minutes), average

30 minutes

Pedestrian readiness, medium

after 16 hours

Reapplication interval, average

after 12h – 72h

Final curing, average

average: 7 days


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Chemical resistant polyurethane floors

 Advantages of polyurethane floors

  • Polyurethane floors are used indoors and outdoors.

  • Mainly for dry operating conditions, but with certain characteristics and purpose, it can be used in damp rooms, in rooms with high and low ambient temperatures.

  • Polyurethane floors - withstand high temperature loads during cleaning and operation.


  • If necessary, polyurethane resins are used as a repair compound in a mixture with calcined quartz sand. 

  • The binder/silica sand ratio and sand fraction must be selected based on the types of defects to be repaired.

  • Polyurethane floors - have high strength, are resistant to abrasion loads and the effects of many chemicals, which makes it possible to use it indoors with moderate and significant operational loads.

  • Polyurethane coating - due to the low viscosity of the composition, it spreads well (levels), providing an excellent even surface of the coating.

  • The surface of polyurethane floors is easy to wash and clean, which gives a high level of indoor hygiene.

  • Polyurethane floors - do not contain volatile substances (corresponding to AgBB) and have a specially developed hardener, so there are no internal stresses in the coating after polymerization.

  • Polyurethane coating - does not have an unpleasant odor when applied.

  • Polyurethane floors - have a fairly good resistance to aggressive environments.

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Polymeric polyurethane coating in stock

 Procedure for applying polyurethane coatings

Requirements for a concrete base

  • The polyurethane covering is applied on all types of the mineral bases.

  • The most common types are new or old concrete bases, self-leveling cement masses, cement-sand screeds (CPS).

  • The maximum allowable base slope when using polyurethane coatings, on average, is more than 1%.

  • The use of a polyurethane coating without a primer is not acceptable.


Foundation preparation

  • The most optimal method of preparing the substrate is selected depending on its condition, design, existing defects, expected operational impacts and the selected polyurethane coating system.

  • It must be remembered that mechanical preparation of the base is used not only to remove contaminants and open pores, but also to increase the adhesion of the polyurethane coating.

  • The more textured the surface is obtained as a result of processing, the higher the adhesion of the coating, therefore, its higher resistance to dynamic loads and longer service life.

  • Before applying the base polyurethane layer, a properly primed substrate surface should look like damp concrete, without dry or dull spots, with a clearly visible polymer film.

  • The primed surface should not be sticky or have a greasy coating, there should not be puddles or thick layers of material on the surface, as well as visually visible pores.

  • On the primed surface, the presence of contaminants is unacceptable, such as: traces of fuels and lubricants, various oils, fats, various finishing materials, dust, etc.

  • The last layer of primer, if provided for by the pavement design, should be sprinkled with calcined quartz sand (the consumption and fraction of sand is determined by the pavement design).

  • In the process of installing a polyurethane coating , it is necessary to carefully observe the interlayer intervals between layers.

  • The maximum and minimum intercoat intervals between the polyurethane coating layer and the primer coats are given in the technical data sheets for the respective primer materials from each manufacturer.

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Polyurethane-cement thick-layer floors for food production

Basic conditions for the use of polyurethane coatings

  • The temperature of the base during the application of the material should be from +5°C to +30°C (it must be remembered that sometimes the temperature of the base can be lower than the air temperature by 3-4°C).

  • It is highly undesirable, within the same working area, to have areas with a large difference in base temperature (some factors can lead to this phenomenon, for example, sunlight, various equipment in the room, temperature processes in adjacent rooms, etc.).

  • The base temperature is most easily measured with a pyrometer (non-contact infrared thermometer).

  • The substrate temperature must be 3ºC above the dew point.

  • The "dew point" is the air temperature at which condensation forms in a room.

  • It depends on the humidity in the room and is determined according to the calculation table.

  • The air temperature at the construction site should be between +5°С and +30°С.

  • The presence of drafts is highly undesirable - this can lead to surface defects: bubbles, ripples, shagreen, sticky areas.

  • Humidity at the facility should be no more than 75%.

  • Air humidity, air temperature and dew point are most conveniently measured with a thermohygrometer.

  • The temperature of the material components should be around +20°C.

  • At a high temperature on the object, it is desirable to have a material temperature of about +15°C, and at a low temperature on the object, on the contrary, it is desirable to have a material temperature of about +25°C.

  • The chemical reaction between components "A" and "B" is exothermic, i.e. occurs with the release of heat, which reduces the lifetime of the composition, so the volume of the mixed material must be linked to the number of stackers, the speed and method of application, and the temperature at the object.

  • It must be remembered that the temperature of the material and base, humidity and air temperature directly affect such material properties as viscosity (fluidity), pot life, polymerization time, surface appearance and the presence / absence of various defects.

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Polyurethane wear-resistant floors for parking

Preparation and application of polyurethane coating

  • The material has two components ("A" and "B"), which are in a carefully selected ratio.

  • If it is necessary to partially use the packaging, the ratio of components should be strictly observed.

  • If this rule is not observed, the appearance of a greasy film on the surface, residual stickiness or loss of the physical and mechanical properties of the layer is possible.

  • To prepare the composition, it is necessary to open the container with component “A”, mix it thoroughly in its original packaging for 4-5 minutes using a low-speed mixer with a screw attachment (300-400 rpm), open the container with component “B”, completely pour it into a container with component "A" and mix for 2 - 3 minutes, then pour into a clean container and mix again for 1 - 2 minutes until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

  • Pay special attention to thorough mixing of the material in the area of ​​the bottom and walls of the bucket, in order to avoid coating defects (poorly mixed components do not fully enter into a chemical reaction).

  • When mixing the components, the mixer nozzle should not rise much above the level of the material, so as not to involve excess air in the composition (this can complicate rolling with a spiked roller).

  • The chemical reaction between components "A" and "B" is exothermic (occurs with the release of heat, which reduces the life of the composition), so the volume of the mixed material must be linked to the number of stackers, the speed and method of application, and the temperature at the object.

  • Each minute of the presence of a mixed set of material ("A" + "B") in a large volume (in a bucket) reduces the lifetime and, consequently, the processing time of the material.

  • After preparation, the composition is poured as quickly as possible onto the primed substrate and distributed, depending on the coating design, using a notched trowel with a triangular tooth (filling layer) or a squeegee with an adjustable gap (supporting element - thin pins).

  • Tooth No. 5 for application up to 1.0 kg/m2 and No. 25 for application up to 2.5 kg/m2 and No. 48 for application up to 4 kg/m2 are recommended (numbers are given in the PPW catalog).

  • The consumption of the composition, and, consequently, the thickness of the coating, also depends on the angle of inclination of the notched trowel and the number of movements during the distribution of the material.

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Polyurethane floors for food processing and industrial kitchens

  • 10 - 15 minutes after the distribution of the set of material, it is necessary to process the laid bulk layer with a spiked (deaeration) roller to remove air bubbles and facilitate the layer leveling process.

  • On a fresh layer, it is necessary to move in special shoes - wet shoes (shoes with spikes on the sole).

  • The backfill layer is not processed.

  • When spreading the layer, and especially when processing with a spiked roller, it is necessary to carefully monitor the lifetime of the material, since the viscosity of the material gradually increases and at the end of the lifetime, the marks from the notched trowel, wet feet and spiked roller may not completely spread, leaving visible defects on the coating.

  • When joining two sets of material later than after 15-20 minutes (at a temperature of +23ºС), a visible border may form.

  • The application of the material should begin from the wall opposite the exit.

  • In rooms with complex geometry, we recommend that you think over the schedule and work plan for pouring in advance.

  • The interlayer interval at a temperature of +23°С should be no more than 48 hours (in structures with backfilling with quartz sand, the application of the next coating layers on a rough surface is allowed within 72 hours).

  • The next layers must be applied no earlier than the previous layer reaches the “tack free” state, i.e. does not stick to fingers and does not leave marks when touched.

  • The minimum and maximum interlayer interval can be more or less than the specified one and directly depends on the temperature at the object.

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Self-leveling polyurethane flooring for car parks


Material consumption depends on the type of coating system chosen as well as the requirements of the particular project.

Cleaning tools

  • After completion of work, the tools are cleaned with an organic solvent.

  • Cured material can only be removed mechanically.

Security measures

  • When working with the material, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room.

  • When working, it is necessary to use special clothes and shoes, goggles and gloves.

  • Do not allow material to come into contact with exposed skin.

  • In case of contact with eyes or mouth, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical advice immediately.

Ecology/waste management

  • Components of materials in the liquid state are hazardous to water and aquatic organisms.

  • Do not allow to enter sewers, watercourses and soil.

  • In the cured state, the polyurethane coating is not dangerous.

  • Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.

Precautionary measures

  • During laying, the ambient temperature should be in the range from +10 ºС to +30 ºС under the concrete slab on which the polyurethane coating is laid, the presence of a working waterproofing is mandatory.

  • The product must be applied by qualified installers.

  • For application in cold conditions, warm up the material and fillers in advance (1-2 days in advance).

  • The strength class of the board/screed for polyurethane coating must be at least C25.

  • The terms of work and hardening of systems based on polyurethane resins depend on the ambient and surface temperature, relative air humidity.

  • At low temperatures, the reaction slows down, which prolongs the working time with the mixture and the setting time.

  • High temperatures speed up the reaction, which reduces the working time with the mixture and the setting time.

  • For complete curing of the material, the ambient and surface temperatures must not fall below the specified minimum limits.

  • Do not apply without primer.

  • Avoid contact with water for 24 hours after installation. If this occurs, the contacted coating should be completely replaced.

  • Observe the ratio of components, do not add solvent.

  • Do not mix components by hand.

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Temperature-resistant polyurethane floors for food production


Usually the material is supplied in metal pails.


The material must be stored in its original packaging in a cool, dry place (at a temperature of +5°C +25°C.

Best before date

Under appropriate storage conditions - 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Security measures

  • Do not approach storage areas during a fire.

  • Store products in well ventilated areas.

  • During work, work clothes, protective gloves, goggles and a mask should be used in accordance with health and safety regulations.

  • Since uncured materials have an irritating effect, the components should not be allowed to come into contact with the skin and eyes, and in case of contact, rinse with plenty of water.

  • If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.

  •  It is forbidden to bring food and drink to the construction site where the product is being used.

  • The product must be kept out of the reach of children.

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Industrial kitchen floors

"PU flooring is an effective investment in your business and the health and safety of your staff"

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